“Let’s Play” Selkirk Manitoba – Wheelchair Basketball for kids!

Happy Thought School 659 Quarry Road, East Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada

  The 'Let's Play' wheelchair basketball program is new to Selkirk Manitoba! Hosted by Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association on Saturdays from 2-4pm at Happy Thought School in Selkirk. Wheelchair basketball is played by kids of all ages and can be adapted for all abilities. Who is this program for? Kids between 5 - 15 years…

“Let’s Play” Winnipeg! Wheelchair Basketball for Kids

Sport Manitoba 145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The 'Let's Play' wheelchair basketball is a new program, hosted by Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association on Saturdays from 9am - 11 am at the Sport for Life Centre in Winnipeg. Wheelchair basketball is played by kids of all ages and can be adapted for all abilities. Who is this program for? Kids between 5 -…

“Let’s Play” Selkirk Manitoba – Wheelchair Basketball for kids!

Happy Thought School 659 Quarry Road, East Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada

  The 'Let's Play' wheelchair basketball program is new to Selkirk Manitoba! Hosted by Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association on Saturdays from 2-4pm at Happy Thought School in Selkirk. Wheelchair basketball is played by kids of all ages and can be adapted for all abilities. Who is this program for? Kids between 5 - 15 years…

“Let’s Play” Winnipeg! Wheelchair Basketball for Kids

Sport Manitoba 145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The 'Let's Play' wheelchair basketball is a new program, hosted by Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association on Saturdays from 9am - 11 am at the Sport for Life Centre in Winnipeg. Wheelchair basketball is played by kids of all ages and can be adapted for all abilities. Who is this program for? Kids between 5 -…

“Let’s Play” Selkirk Manitoba – Wheelchair Basketball for kids!

Happy Thought School 659 Quarry Road, East Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada

  The 'Let's Play' wheelchair basketball program is new to Selkirk Manitoba! Hosted by Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association on Saturdays from 2-4pm at Happy Thought School in Selkirk. Wheelchair basketball is played by kids of all ages and can be adapted for all abilities. Who is this program for? Kids between 5 - 15 years…

You’re invited to our Annual General Meeting!

Sport Manitoba 145 Pacific Ave, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

  Hello Friends, you are welcome to attend our AGM! There will be snacks and refreshments. Date: Thursday, May 1, 2025 Time: 6:30 - 8:pm Location: Sport Manitoba Conference room A Address: 145 Pacific Avenue Please R.S.V.P. to Kirby at ed@ascmanitoba.ca and let her know if you plan to attend in-person or virtually. We look…

Birds Hill Triathlon – Triathlon Canada Para-designated

  Try-a-Tri at Birds Hill Park! 300m swim / 13km bike / 3km run Athletes of all abilities or gender-identity are welcome to compete at the Birds Hill Triathlon. Any questions about Para-Triathlon, contact Jared at triathlon.ed@sportmanitoba.ca If you're interested in competing but need assistance finding transportation, or equipment, please email Kirby at ed@ascmanitoba.ca by…

St. Malo Triathlon – Triathlon Canada Para-designated event

Try-a-Tri at St. Malo! 300m swim / 10km bike / 2.5km run Athletes of all abilities or gender-identity are welcome to compete at the St. Malo Triathlon. Any questions about Para-Triathlon, contact Jared at triathlon.ed@sportmanitoba.ca If you're interested in competing but need assistance finding transportation, or equipment, please email Kirby at ed@ascmanitoba.ca by May 21,…

Variety Kids Bike Camp (June 30 – July 4) WEEK 1

TRanscona East End Arena 517 Pandora Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

What is Variety’s Bike Camp: With the use of customized adapted equipment, trained professionals, and over 160 volunteers, approximately 80% of riders living with a disability  will learn to independently ride a 2-wheel bike, the remaining 20% make tremendous progress towards that goal!  Our  Bike Camp in Winnipeg has become the largest of its kind in…

Variety Kids Bike Camp (June 30 – July 4) WEEK 1

TRanscona East End Arena 517 Pandora Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

What is Variety’s Bike Camp: With the use of customized adapted equipment, trained professionals, and over 160 volunteers, approximately 80% of riders living with a disability  will learn to independently ride a 2-wheel bike, the remaining 20% make tremendous progress towards that goal!  Our  Bike Camp in Winnipeg has become the largest of its kind in…

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