Barrier-Free Manitoba
Barrier-Free Manitoba is a non-partisan, non-profit, cross-disability initiative that was formed in 2008. We believed that the time had come for the Province of Manitoba to enact strong and effective legislation that requires the removal of existing barriers and prevents the creation of new ones.

Brandon Wheelchair Sports and Leisure
Non-profit community group of volunteers with an interest in making a difference for people with mobility impairments in the Westman region

Canadian Adaptive Snowsports
To give people living with disabilities the opportunity to eliminate barriers that have prevented them in experiencing the Joy and Freedom of Snowsports. Not only in a fun and inclusive environment that embraces diversity but in an accessible community that treats each individual with respect.

Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association
Established in 1985, the Canadian Cerebral Palsy Sports Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping anyone with cerebral palsy or a related disability access quality sport and recreation activities.

Canadian Hard of Hearing Association- Manitoba Chapter
Run for and by people who are hard of hearing, committed to addressing the needs of people with hearing loss in Manitoba

Cerebral Palsy Association of Manitoba
An independent non-profit organization governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Association offers information, referral, support, advocacy and use of its library to anyone affected with CP or to those interested in or working with people affected by CP.

Council of Canadians with Disabilities
National human rights organization of people with disabilities working for an accessible and inclusive Canada.

Inclusion Winnipeg
Inclusion Winnipeg is a registered charity which, for 60 years, has been dedicated to making life better for children and adults living with intellectual disabilities. We do this by connecting people, assisting their families to navigate systems and leading the way in advancing their human rights. We promote respect, empowerment and belonging to ensure equality for all.

Inclusive Recreation in Manitoba Website
Inclusive Recreation in Manitoba is a website that provides a snapshot of inclusive recreation programs within Manitoba for children and teens with disabilities. The website is hosted by the RCC/SSCY Family Network.

Independent Living Resource Centre
The ILRC is a consumer controlled organization that promotes and supports citizens with disabilities to make choices and take responsibility for the development and management of personal and community resources.

Limbloss Manitoba
Created to help each and every amputee through support, leadership, advocacy and motivation, reach their full potential

Makers Making Change
The Neil Squire Society is a non-profit that has been revolutionizing the lives of Canadians with disabilities since 1984 through assistive technology. Makers Making Change is one of the many programs offered.
Makers Making Change is an online platform providing a disruptively low-cost alternative to commercially available assistive technologies. With a wide range of devices available in the assistive library, there are many options for people to request from and work with a volunteer maker who can build it for them.
Anyone can freely download the files and information to build their own device. This helps keep device cost low and requesters only cover the cost of materials.

Manitoba Brain Injury Association
MBIA helps individuals and families cope by offering support, education and advocacy. We also work to prevent brain injuries through public awaress initiatives and educational programming

Manitoba League of Persons with Disabilities
The MLPD is a united voice of people with disabilities, and their supporters, that promotes equal rights, full participation in society, and facilitates positive change through advocacy and public education.

Manitoba Possible
Work together to eliminate barriers to full and equal particiaption

Manitoba Wheelchair Sports Association
The Manitoba Wheelchair Sport Association (MWSA) was established as a means of contributing to and providing incentive for, the total development of physically disabled persons by presenting them with opportunities to participate in a variety of recreational activities and wheelchair sport programs.

Promoting and communicating the value of certified orthotic and prosthetic professional services to patients, payers, and providers. Pursuing the highest quality and standards of sustainable and effective value-based certified orthotic and Prosthetic care for Manitobans.

Recreation Manitoba
Recreation Manitoba, Inc. exists to collectively share the passion and spirit of recreation and is dedicated to enhancing the health and wellness of all Manitobans through the development and support of recreation professionals, practitioners and volunteers.

REES - Reaching E-Quality Employment Services
Promoting employment of people with physical disabilities and/or health issues.

Resource Center for Manitobans who are Deaf Blind
We exist to promote opportunities for independence, dignity and empowerment for adults in Manitoba who have become Deaf-Blind. We are committed to providing quality services that are consumer driven and responsive. Our services consist of adaptive /adjustment services that recognize the unique needs of Deaf-Blind people. We are committed to an informed and timely process, the provision of accessible service and the recognition of the individuality and differing needs within our target population.

ROC Eastman
Recreation Opportunities for Children (ROC) Eastman, was started in 2009 as a pilot program through the Government of Manitoba. In the beginning, their goal was to support families so they no longer needed government-assisted income. They had no idea that one day they would grow to serve countless families by equipping their children to participate in recreation activities!

SCCY Centre
Specialized Services for Children and Youth (SSCY) is an initiative focused on the integration and, where possible, co-location, of services for Manitoba children and youth with disabilities and special needs.