Disability PRIDE – Hosted by MPLD

Assiniboine Park Duck Pond

  To celebrate Disability Pride month, Manitoba League of Persons with a Disability is organizing a social gathering at Assiniboine Park on Tuesday July 30! Join us to celebrate Disability Pride, connect with friends, share food, make a sign sharing your Disability Pride story, and talk together about what a Disability Pride March could look…

( must be18 years+) Winterpeg is For Everyone: Exercise and Adventure for Persons with Disabilities

Assiniboine Park Duck Pond

  Hello winter warriors! You are invited to Winterpeg is For Everyone Outdoor Adventures tailored to persons with disabilities. This event is FREE and hosted by Winnipeg Trails and Paralympic Coach Olex. Who You! This event is for people with disabilities who would like to share their experiences with a community and/or learn new skills.…

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